Saturday, June 26, 2010


Have you ever stopped to think about all the people you have seen in your life?

What about all the people you have talked to in your life?

How about the people you have connected to in your life?

When I think about some of the connections I've made in my life I begin to recall wonderful stories. Stories built on successes and failures; victories and defeats.

Of course, some of the connections are obvious - the ones with my beautiful wife Carla, my kids, my family. Others are unique - each with a story that makes me smile, laugh or ponder their greater meaning.

I think of Tom Dotter who during a Sunday School retreat told me "I love you like a brother." An odd comment at first, but the greater meaning has stuck with me all these years. We are brothers in Christ. He was mature in his Walk, I was just starting. If I saw Tom today, my first words to him would be "I love you like a brother." A connection made through shared Faith.

There is Jamie Crow - who could quite possibly be my brother! Our two girls were born four days apart - over 16 years ago. We both lost our fathers at an age we needed them the most. We both have been blessed with strong women in our lives. He's a good friend, a confidant. A connection made through shared experiences.

I think of George Dixon, a high school teacher who doesn't see color - only kids. Dave Byrd, a guiding force in my Christian walk and Joe Barrow, a wise counsel. So many others - Ina Jekel, Charles Carr, William Mathis, Robert Morgan. Each a connection - a unique connection.

There are so many more - each having left an indelible mark on my life. Each altering my life - adding color to my fabric. Some are still friends, some have since departed - but their connection is no less real. Can something that makes "you" you be denied?

Have I done the same for others? Am I taking, but not giving?

I believe people are put in our lives for a purpose (so of course the opposite must also be true). We should take the time to listen, discern, care - connect. No, we must take the time to listen, discern, care and connect.

I think of what Christian Shephard told Jack, "Nobody does it alone."

I leave you with a quote from Herman Melville:
"We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results."

No Regrets

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